Sunday, June 23, 2024

Yarmouth: On the Edge of Everywhere (June 16, 17, 18, 19)

Bob chose Ellenwood Lake Provincial Park for base to explore Yarmouth. The saying in the title is on all the signs in Yarmouth. The drive from Keji was not too bad. We didn't leave early in the morning as we couldn't check in until 2 p.m.. Of course, we still arrived a little after noon. Rats! The campers on our site were staying as long a possible...the downside of moving on a Sunday when people who work want their weekend to last as long as possible! We were able to park in Visitor Parking to wait for them to leave. 

Then the fun began. The site was long enough for us, but there were three trees and a power post that were strategically in the way! Bob could back in fine, but we had to maneuver Sol so Bob could get past the power pole and one of the trees on the driver side. That meant the two trees at the front passenger side came into play. Out came the tape measure!  Once Bob was past the power pole and near the tree, we measured to see how far he could go so we could open the slides on the passenger side and still be able to open the door (3 inches) Finally, we got in the site!

As you can see, we had plenty of room in back of Sol! It was just the trees on the passenger side that were a problem.

Once we were set up, we drove into Yarmouth to scout out stores and a laundromat. The next morning, we took our laundry and drove to Cape Forchu to visit the lighthouse. Along the way, we found some Adventure Lab caches.

Lobster Buoys
Lobster Buoys representing all the lobster fishermen

"Bug" Lighthouse

Cape Forchu Lighthouse


Yes, we climbed to the top of the 'apple core' lighthouse.

We also walked the Leif Ericson trail at the foot of the lighthouse.
distance signs to different places in the world

Foggy, the fin whale skeleton

 The trail is named for the Vikings who were thought to have visited this area long before Columbus sailed. Archeologists found a rock with Viking runes dating back to 1000 AD. The rock is in the Yarmouth County Museum.

 We enjoyed Cape Forchu, but time to take care of that laundry, then back to Sol.

Our second day we did more Adventure Labs in downtown Yarmouth.. After completing the caches, we had lunch at The Dinner Plate. It was highly recommended by everyone. They were correct! The portions were large and the food was good. I had scallops and haddock, Bob had clams and haddock. 

Later that afternoon, we drove to Tusket Falls to visit the local brewery. 

As we neared the brewery, I kept noticing bridges near the ones we were driving on....they looked like part of a bicycle trail. We asked the bartender and she said the rail trail went through all of the county! So, the following day we took our bikes, found a trailhead and rode about 15 miles round trip. 

one of the bridges on the trail
Of course, the trailhead was near the brewery so it was time to quench our thirst! 

The following day was a moving day! Time to pack up and move on down the road.

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