Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Moving into Nova Scotia

 It was time to add another province! This one is new to both of us. When we lived in northern Maine, way back in 1976, we visited New Brunswick and Quebec, but we didn't get to Nova Scotia! Our stop for the night was Sociables Pub and Eatery in Springhill, Nova Scotia. This was another Harvest Host stop. After we checked in, we drove around the area to see the sights.

There were many memorials and even a museum dedicated to the miners who lost their lives in a mine accident in the late 1800's. 

Springhill was also the home of Anne Murray...a Canadian singer. The community center is named after Anne's parents who were  a doctor and a nurse in the community.

After exploring, we walked over to Sociables for a late lunch. Who could resist a fish and clam platter with chips (fries)...not either one of us......We enjoyed our meal and then headed back to Sol for an evening of relaxation before heading to Blomidon Provincial Park the following day

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