Sunday, June 23, 2024

Next Stop: The Islands Provincial Park Near Shelburne, Nova Scotia (June 20-23)

 Wow! Another short driving day! It was an uneventful drive except for an unusual road kill! That's right, I saw an unusual road kill. We usually see deer, skunk, possum, and raccoons, but today I saw a porcupine! It was only the second one I have seen, but the first as a road kill. 

Our stop for the next four nights was The Islands Provincial Park. We arrived a bit early, but our site was clear and we were told to go on down. The road down to our site looked narrow so we unhooked the car first and I drove to the bottom of the hill to check the site. Bob was not far behind. We had to wait a few minutes because a trailer was backing in to another site. The area did not look like it did on the site map, but it was not bad. We had a water front site and we chose to drive straight in facing the water. This campground didn't have hookups so it didn't matter how we positioned Sol.

view out the front window

view of the side
view across the Roseway River to Shelburne

After we were set, we unloaded the bikes and headed to Shelburne on the Shelburne County Rail Trail. The trail was great going to Shelburne....not too bumpy and shaded!

While in Shelburne, we did some more Adventure Labs. This carved sign was in a secret park (it is not on any city maps).

We rode along the waterfront checking to see what we would like to visit when we drive the car over next time.

On our way back to Sol, we rode south on the bike trail. We found a nice picnic area not far from the campground.

The following morning, I enjoyed watching this great blue heron fishing in front of Sol. I didn't get the camera fast enough to get a good picture of the heron with his breakfast, but he continued fishing until he was full.

 Later in the morning, we drove to Shelburne. We looked at all the old buildings and enjoyed the sunshine along the waterfront.

barrel factory

warehouse built in 1902
As we walked, we noticed this deer enjoying the local plants.

 Once back to the car, we drove to Sandy Point Lighthouse, the one closest to Shelburne. You can walk to this lighthouse at low tide.
Sandy Point Lighthouse
We drove the scenic loop back to Canada 3 and then it was back to Sol for lunch and another bike ride. This time we went further down the trail going away from town. Unfortunately after about 2 miles, it got very rocky and narrow with many low hanging branches. After a bit we decided this trail wasn't for us and we returned to the campground. 

Saturday was a driving day...mostly because of the rainy weather.  We chose to complete the Shelburne to Barrington Adventure Lab as we traveled south to Barrington. The drive took us to 10 different places as we explored the area. We saw two different lighthouses.

Seal Island Museum

Baccaro Point Lighthouse
Near the Baccaro Point Lighthouse there was a huge blue adirondack chair with painted arms. The arms had painted rocks for heads.

As we were leaving the loop near the lighthouse we spotted a national historic area.--Fort St. Louis.

The only monument there was the stacked cannon balls. The fort was built in the 1620s to monitor the fur trade. It was the last Acadian stronghold on Cape La Tour. 

As we were heading back to Sol, we spotted Sobey's (a Canadian grocery store similar to our Publix). We stopped to see what was on sale and to pick up a few necessities. 

Our last day near Shelburne, we walked the campground loop then drove into town to check out the farmers' market. Due to wet weather, we stopped in Boxing Rock Brewery for lunch and a cold one. 

We enjoyed our time at The Islands Provincial Park, but it was time to pull up stakes and move on up the road....

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