The weather had been good for most of our trip, but in Siloam it turned rainy and chilly! Bob and I did some geocaching along the Dogwood Springs Trail. The trail winds through most of Siloam, but we did the section that circles John Brown University. Along the way we found 8 caches. Part of the trail is a block from Bob and Dot's. We started the trail there and walked to John Brown University. The trail around JBU follows a creek for most of the loop. Bob checked the GPS when we returned to the house--we walked 3.8 miles!
Some of you may know Bob and Dot's house is located 3 houses from the Oklahoma border. Also within walking distance is Cherokee Casino in West Siloam Springs, OK. Bob and his dad walked over there one evening and both came home as winners ($70 each)! I joined them the next two evenings (drove the car as it was chilly). Let's just say we won the first night and broke even the next night.
Friday night we met Bob and Dot's friends at Dawn Hill Country Club for dinner. Afterwards we all went to Daisy and Bennett's for a rousing game of golf (card game). We anted up $3 a couple and started our 18 holes of play. Well, I was on a streak--the cards fell in my favor all night. I have never been so lucky playing golf, I usually end up in the middle of the pack or lose! I won the game while Bob and his mom tied for second.
Saturday was a rainy, miserable day. Sunday was a bit better so Bob and I drove south to Lincoln, Arkansas to geocache. Along the way, one cache was located near the Oklahoma border along the Trail of Tears Highway.
Today, Bob and I plan to walk more of the trail. We had planned to ride bikes, but the high is only going to be 63 degrees!
We plan to leave Siloam some time this week and head toward El Paso. I am in desperate need of some grandkid hugs! We talked to Chris and DeAnna Sunday while we were geocaching (bad connection since we were in the middle of nowhere). Chris kept telling Bobby that Grandma was talking crazy! They are excited to move to Washington where they will see trees and grass.
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