This is just a short update. We are heading into Washington state today and don't know if we'll have internet! If we have internet, I'll finish updating, if not, you'll have to stay in the dark about our whereabouts!
After leaving Tillamook we drove 65 miles to Ft. Stevens State Park near Astoria, Oregon. We knew our stay may be short as the state parks fill up quickly in Oregon. After dumping our tanks we proceeded to the ranger station and were able to get a site with full hook-ups for 3 nights. We set up camp and then went out to explore the park. 
The park is located on the most northwest peninsula in Oregon. Not far from the campground and close to the ocean is a lake. We hike the 2+ miles around the lake before returning to our site.
Monday we went geocaching at the fort. The fort was originally commissioned to protect the coast in the civil war. It was up and running the day before Lee surrendered!
Tuesday we planned to visit Ft. Clatsop--Lewis and Clark's winter fort in 1805-1806.
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